Bach Van 1


$6.42 – 100g

Type: White Peony Tea.
Breed: Shan Tuyet Ancient.
Location: Lung Vai, Ha Giang
Altitude: 1200m.
Fragrance: floral, honeysuckle.
Taste: Sweet, honey-sweet, mildly bitter.

Detailed description: see below.

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Mô tả

Bach Van 1 ( White Peony Tea) is sun-dried white tea White Peony Tea, from the tea material one bud and one or two leaves of the ancient Snow Shan tea region in Lung Vai, Ha Giang, at an altitude of 1200m above sea level.

In the first brew, the smell of honey grass rises. The fresh scent of meadow flowers and pollen gradually manifests. The taste of tea is sweet, creating a pleasant feeling on the palate when enjoying it. When brewed longer, the water gradually turns apricot yellow, and the freshness of tea aroma gives way to ripe fruit aromas dried in the sun, such as honey pollen aroma, and light apricot aroma.

According to many studies, white tea is a tea with a high content of flavonoids, with strong antioxidant effects, one cup of peony white tea is equivalent to 12 cups of orange juice. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are said to be even stronger than green tea.
In addition, White Peony Tea also has other effects such as detoxification, diuresis, purification, weight loss, hypoglycemia, and balancing blood pressure for people with high blood pressure…

Thông tin bổ sung

Trọng lượng 100 g